How saving papers can help primates?
Paper is made from woods which is a factor contributing to deforestation. Due to the poor governance of many countries, people are allowed to cut down trees in order to sell it to industries which they will later fabrique papers. According to data founded on it takes 12 trees to make one ton of 100 percent non-recycled newsprint. It would take a little more than half a tree to make a carton (10 reams) of 100 percent, non-recycled 20-lb. copier paper. One tree makes 16.67 reams of copy paper, or 8,333.3 sheets. One ream (500 sheets) uses 6 percent of a tree. Finally, it is estimated that 3 billion to 6 billion trees are cut down per year. Based on this, it can be concluded that saving paper means reducing deforestation and protecting primates habitat.
In an increasingly paperless world however this may soon not be as big an issue as before. The rise of technology has given us access to much in such a little device. Books can be found in electronic versions meaning less will be printed on paper and even notes and messages can be done electronically replacing the need for physical paper filled journals and even letters. Places like libraries and bookstores are slowly becoming obsolete and while this has some downsides, shows that more people are adapting the more convenient and fast paced lifestyle that implementing technology can bring. These are all pretty well known facts already as there are plenty of campaigns out there promoting we recycle and use less paper to save trees, but these refer more to the actual environment, not the actual organisms in it.
Producing paper comes at the expense of trees this is already widely understood, but its not understood that producing paper also comes at the expense of the animals, in our case primates, who live in these forested areas. Paper production fuels deforestation as more trees must be cut down to meet a certain demand. In this process a whole ecosystem is affected and its whole dynamic changes causing problems for the primates that live in it. Some primate species are unable to adapt to the change in their ecosystem and so our paper usage can indirectly lead to their endangerment. We can help make a change and give aid to these primates who are facing possible extinction. All we need to do is be cautious and make a conscious effort to go as paperless as possible hopefully reduce the demand for paper which in turn, will reduce the need for deforestation.